Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sept 23rd - Sept 29th 2007

OK, I am getting serious.

I seem to be unhurt after yesterday's nice run, so I went to Longmont and back to take my sandals to work (on Sunday). Encouraged by the slow run I went slow at low heart rate. It seemed to have worked.

Sunday 9/23/07
BTW: 1:20:44, 17.6 mph, 23.80, 138
BH: 1:24:17, 16.9 mph, 23.90, 140

Hmmm, the HR gave up on me again. A new battery again? Overall, nice ride, a bit cool, I made myself to use the small front ring although I normally don't need it on this ride. It's nice to just spin once in a while

Monday 9/24/07
BTW 1:26:07, 16.9, 24.26, no HR - got seriously soaked.
Played table tennis in the evening, kind of nice

Friday 9/28/07
Short run, 43:04.11, 10'24", 4.139 miles, no HR
HR doesn't work again. Neither one of them. Time to call Timex

The pounds keep piling up. I regularly tip the scale at 192 now. Red flag.

Sept 16th - Sept 22nd 2007

skipped another week. I have a pitiful excuse, Nancy and I went to the west coast, rented a convertible and rode up Hwy 1 North of San Francisco and spent a couple of days camping in Humboldt redwoods. Cool.

Basically didn't do a whole lot this week, went to my pilates class on Wednesday. Then I rode the bike quite fast to work (well, high heart rate), got smarter and ran slow on Saturday.

Friday 9/21
Bike to work - 1:16:36, 18.6, 23.82, 160 - windy, had some nasty side and head winds once in a while. Relatively cool. Drank beer in the evening instead of a ride home.

Saturday 9/22
Run: Decided to go slow, so I figured I'll go out on the bike path and run for about an hour, turn back and run home. It turns out I made it to 124th & Washington, a convenient marker to turn around. Stats:
Out: 56:00.68, 13'13", 4.236 mi, 141
Back: 57:38.13, 13'25", 4.295 mi, 147

Well, I am quite happy with this, my legs don't hurt, I can comfortably run 8.5 miles in 2 hours, no blisters, no knee pains, no gasping for breath. This is a pretty good starting place. The weather was a bit hot on Saturday but this may be a nice route to do every weekend to gauge my progress.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Setting goals

This is my baseline that I will be comparing myself to:

Weight: 192 lbs

Running ability: 11.39 miles in 2:10:02 at 159 beats

Biking ability: Copper Triangle in 5:21:36, 14.9 mph, 79.18 miles, 8000 feet climb
Netherland loop in 7:01:47, 15.9 mph, 112.4 miles at HR 146, 9100 feet climb

Swim: I suck, I can consistently swim 100 yards in about 1:50

Sept 2nd - Sept 8th 2007

So, what happened during past month? I had very little motivation to do anything useful and quite a bit of work. I guess I took the excuse of listening to my body and really didn't do shit. Well, very little, so let's line it up

I did a few bike rides to work and back:
BW: 1:11:52, 19.9 mph, 23.86, 142 - I remember this one, this was one of those 'once a week' after I slacked off for a while. If it wasn't for a school bus I stopped for, I'd make a new 'go to work' record.
BH: 1:36:35, 14.8, 23.85, 117 - I remember this one too. Slacking off and into the wind. Oh well.

BW: 1:13:28, 19.4, 23.84, 158
BH: 1:13:14, 19.3, 23.68, 151 - this felt good

OK, there were a couple of runs somewhere inbetween, got one stat in my watch:
48:36.66, 10'30", 152, 4.629

I checked in at 197 lbs on Saturday afternoon. Not a good thing. So, today is Labor Day, Monday September 3rd and I really needed to go running. So as usual, I overdid it but I am not in horrible pain. I ran to Nancy's tennis social (eat, drink and play tennis).
1:02:58, 10'56", 5.74, 153
then I ate bunch of stuff and ran back
1:07:03, 11'53", 5.636, 164

For a grand total of
2:10:02, 11'25, 11.39 miles, HR 159

Hmmm, interesting.
First of all, I probably should not have stuffed myself with a cheeseburger, chips and bean dip, with a grand finale of key lime pie and a rich chocolate cake. At least I didn't have beer.

Secondly, it was pretty hot day. OK, I drank reasonably but likely not enough.

My calves were hurting like hell for the first 3 miles but then the pain kind of went away, I guess the legs realized that I really mean it.

I also realized that if I want to compete in France, I need to run more than 4 - 5 miles a couple of times a week (not that I have been doing even that much lately). I need to run 8 - 10 miles several times a week. Better yet, to start (and stick with Maffetone) I need to just run for 2 hours, regardless of speed, at low heart rate (135 - 145).

Tuesday 9/4
Time off, my legs hurt like hell. I guess I should have been running or some such.

Wednesday 9/5
Legs still hurt

Thursday 9/6
Nice, short, slow run with DanK
34:13.68, 11'54", 2.873, 149

Friday 9/7

Saturday 9/8